What is up with Canon

Dec 23, 2020
I have just bought a TS9550 all in one printer scanner. This was to replace an MG6850 that broke. It has taken a day and a half now before I got it anywhere near setup. The cd that came with it had a tick box, already ticked, that said tick to use latest drivers from the internet. In the second day of fruitless attempts I unticked this box and the setup went through in about five minutes. I had been directed to a tech support the previous day who just kept on showing me Youtube videos that didn't help me, and I was charged for this service, thanks Canon.

Nov 21, 2020
Sounds like your internet settings were blocking access to the Canon site for some reason... or the Canon site has some issues with the internal link that was coded into the driver you were using.

Either way, you can resolve easily enough by going to the Canon site manually and downloading the latest drivers from the support pages and go from there.

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