Epson WF-2830 remanufatured ink

Sep 6, 2020
Has anyone found a brand of remanufatured ink that works with Epson wf-2830
After the last printer update, my remanufactured cartridges quit working
Capt Jack
Jul 11, 2020
Bit late for this info, but Epson in the last year has been even more aggressively targeting third party ink and refillable cartridges. If you are using a refillable cartridge, especially with Epson, the best idea is to never do a firmware update.

The 212XL still has refillable cartridges available, but I don't see any recent listings with auto reset chips in them. The people to contact will be - they keep pretty good tabs on this. All of the auto-reset chips come out of China, so another place to look is for a good vendor on Ali Express.

I suspect, though, at this point you may have to go with a chipless firmware. The 2830 is supported by chipless solutions. There are auto reser chips available for my Epson WF-7720, but I ended up going with a chipless firmware anyway, just because it was easier.

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