When my black cartridge ran out I looked up how to reset the warning, and successfully did so. I have been printing daily crossword and other stuff for over three months, and the black is still full density, so there is quite a bit of reserve.
Now my yellow has run out, the printer has stopped printing, and the trick to pull up the toner level reset screen, presumably in the firmware, no longer works. paranoid thought is that they removed it in a firmware update. Can anyone explain ?. I put in a new yellow cartridge and it works fine, and I will soon face two other colors.
Now my yellow has run out, the printer has stopped printing, and the trick to pull up the toner level reset screen, presumably in the firmware, no longer works. paranoid thought is that they removed it in a firmware update. Can anyone explain ?. I put in a new yellow cartridge and it works fine, and I will soon face two other colors.