Hi, I bought the kit from Owl Ink and had been using that with some limited success. The colors were not quite right and once I used more than 3 of their inks as I ran out of my horde of Epson ink the colors were not usable. I did the calibration dance four times and no dice.
I looked at getting a new printer. This 25 year old printer is built like a tank and other than the ink not being made any more it still is 100 percent functional. Its a utter disgrace that Epson dropped the product line. Their newer printers are probalby ok, but doubt they will be as durable. And the cost of ink is getting crazy.
I have looked into the Eco Tank printers but as of this typing I did not find one that has the full gamut of colors that the 'sell your kidney to buy refills for' printers use. I have to look again.