X950 Firmware Issue

Dec 11, 2018
I recently inherited an X950 to repair, and quickly realized firmware was a big issue. Looks like it has original firmware of LHS42.P451. Really old.
The newest version is E6 P618.
The problem is the new firmware wont download. Just says updating, but never does. Obviously its an engine code difference.
Lexmark support (bummer) advised to enter 3,4,6 into Invalid engine code mode. This did not work.
I guess what I'm looking for is a way to update this firmware with such a huge difference.
If there are incrimental firmware updates to get there, I sure can't find it.
Any insight to this out there ?
Dec 11, 2018
SOLVED. I was trying to update firmware with USB. I was able to successfully update via WEB BROWSER

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