Sr. Citizen now, very, so please bear with me a bit. So happy I found this Forum.
Have purchased a Brother HL-L2300D printer for it.
Probably a big mistake, but have had Brother before, and liked them.
Have spent an incredible amount of hours trying to print from
my iMac, and have been unable to do so. (Running High Sierra 10.13.5)
Funny, but I am using Parallels to switch to a Windows10 "side" also on my iMac.
I can print from the Windows10 side !
I am assuming that Windows uses different Drivers, etc. than the Mac. True ?
Anyway, I have tried most everything that Brother, and also all the links on Google, have suggested.
Nothing works. I have a very technical background, but am totally out of ideas.
Have also followed All the instructions sent me by their Rep on how to reset everything,
and download new Drivers and software for it.
Did it, and it seems that the total install package from their site installed just fine.
Printed a Test Page from the printer's GO button, and it did print the page.
But, just cannot get it to work from the Mac.
My "gut" feeling is that the printer, mechanically, is fine. That it's something on the Mac
that is not installed, or not functioning correctly. But, I may be wrong, of course.
Have the printer icon labeled as Default, and am using that one, but it keeps
going into a cycle, apparently, between Resume and Print, and Not Ready, and...
Have tried new USB Ports,new cables, etc., also.
When I say I have tried most everything, that is truly not an understatement.
Am totally out of ideas. Probably something very "simple" ?
If anyone might offer some suggestions,
would be most appreciative.
Thank you very much,
Sr. Citizen now, very, so please bear with me a bit. So happy I found this Forum.
Have purchased a Brother HL-L2300D printer for it.
Probably a big mistake, but have had Brother before, and liked them.
Have spent an incredible amount of hours trying to print from
my iMac, and have been unable to do so. (Running High Sierra 10.13.5)
Funny, but I am using Parallels to switch to a Windows10 "side" also on my iMac.
I can print from the Windows10 side !
I am assuming that Windows uses different Drivers, etc. than the Mac. True ?
Anyway, I have tried most everything that Brother, and also all the links on Google, have suggested.
Nothing works. I have a very technical background, but am totally out of ideas.
Have also followed All the instructions sent me by their Rep on how to reset everything,
and download new Drivers and software for it.
Did it, and it seems that the total install package from their site installed just fine.
Printed a Test Page from the printer's GO button, and it did print the page.
But, just cannot get it to work from the Mac.
My "gut" feeling is that the printer, mechanically, is fine. That it's something on the Mac
that is not installed, or not functioning correctly. But, I may be wrong, of course.
Have the printer icon labeled as Default, and am using that one, but it keeps
going into a cycle, apparently, between Resume and Print, and Not Ready, and...
Have tried new USB Ports,new cables, etc., also.
When I say I have tried most everything, that is truly not an understatement.
Am totally out of ideas. Probably something very "simple" ?
If anyone might offer some suggestions,
would be most appreciative.
Thank you very much,