CP5225 Stopped Printing Reds Magenta Toner Shows 80% Left

May 2, 2019
My HP CP5225 laser printer was printing fine 2 days ago and when I went to print today its not printing reds for some reason, I didn't change any settings. I printed the diagnostic reports the page with all the numbers appears to have all the colors but the page with the random color blocks shows the magenta line at the top did not print correctly which I circled. There are also random blocks on this page that are supposed to be magenta but all the printed is a line of magenta. Does anyone know what is causing this? I can't find an answer or any help on how to interpret or use these printouts to fix the problem? My toner shows 80% full so I don't think its low and due to the cost of these toners I hate to purchase another just to try it. Its strange that most of the magenta colors are printing. I did try uninstalling the printer and reinstalling it and it didn't help, I also tried printing the image from a different program and got the same results. Can anyone help me, please?


  • diag.jpg
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